When you are planning to start a business, setting up a website with proper web hosting is one of the initial requirements. Be it a product, services, or an e-commerce store, your website represents you and your website. A professional website for an online business or offline company is your first impression that you are going to make on your potential customers. Your marketing efforts are going to lead your customers on your website, this is why it is essential to set up a website carefully and correctly with proper web hosting. Choosing the right web host is an essential for an effective business website.
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When it comes to hosting your business website, watch out for even a small mistake that may ruin your efforts. For instance, if your website goes down for an hour only, it does not only costs you higher but also leaves your business reputation at stake. That is true whether you own an e-commerce shop, top torrenting site, software company, or even a blog
So, it is very important for a startup to avoid following web hosting mistakes that many entrepreneurs make. The more of these website host errors you can eliminate, the more successful your business website or e-commerce store will be.
7 Most Common Web Hosting Mistakes To Minimize
1. Looking For Free Or Cheapest Web Hosting Solution
As a startup, you may look for cutting the costs on your business and look for a cheap (or free) web hosting solution. Nothing comes free in life. If you find someone who claims to offer you web hosting solutions for free or at the very low prices, chances are high that you will face the following problems:
• The web host can place third party’s unsolicited advertisement on your website.
• Few scripts and videos may not be able to run on your website
• Your website can experience speed issues while loading
• Your server may go down- leaving you without knowing what went wrong
• The hosting provider can become unavailable when you need to fix your business website quickly
• Your website may not get equal importance from search engines for ranking purpose
No entrepreneur can afford to take these risks for the businesses.
2. Not Knowing Whether You Need A Shared Or Dedicated Hosting?
When you share a server with others, you share the retails space with hundreds of other website owners. If one of those websites consumes maximum resources, or face problems such as malicious codes or virus, your business will also have to suffer. Your website page may upload very slowly, or the technicians may also shut down the servers during business hours.
Your online store may face problems, that affects your customers if it interrupts them in using your website. However, entrepreneurs need to analyze whether this factor actually affects your revenue, if yes, then you need to move to a dedicated server.
3. No Communication With The Technical Support
If you are expecting a complete guarantee of services from your web host, there are few things you have to do. As this s a technical service, you need to stay in communication with the person giving your technical support.
Make sure you avail this service 24/7. Because in case you stuck at some point during the operations, you can seek immediate help. This is crucial during website hosting emergencies, because if you can’t keep your site live then you won’t generate new leads.
4. Not Considering Given Terms And Conditions
We ignore terms and conditions for any service. In many cases, this can become harmful to your business. Web hosting companies usually don’t highlight the crucial terms of their services. When buying their services, make sure you read the refund policy, cancellation policy, complete terms, and conditions beforehand and ask questions if you find anything divinely confusing.
5. Not Knowing About The Disk Space And Bandwidth Usage
You must know how much disk space and bandwidth you are subscribing to. In case you have 10GB bandwidth, and 50MB disk space, you are good to go. Moreover, with 10GB bandwidth, your website can still run smoothly. Space is key with your web hosting according to tech entrepreneur Mike Schiemer with a net worth of $1.4 million.
6. Not Considering The Basics Of Purchasing Over The Web
There are certain protocols that an online business owner should know while buying from the vendors online for your e-commerce store or MLM business. You should be looking for:
• The phone number is easy to find on the vendor’s website.
• Physical address, contact us, and about us page
• Is this third party reseller or the hosting company
• Is there a money back guarantee on their website
You can also go in further detail while analyzing your web hosting server in case you are addicted to web analytics.
7. Not Knowing The Detailed Information About The Support Portal
There is a support portal provided by every web host for users to send tickets and receive real-time status updates. In case of confusion, ask your web host about it. As you must be able to view, review submit, and respond to the tickets until the problem is solved.
Web Hosting That Works For Your Business Website
Web hosting is challenging for most entrepreneurs. These website hosting factors are important to determine the success of your startup on the web.